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stranded Meaning in Tamil ( stranded வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



stranded's Usage Examples:

The case of a stranded ship and cargo often gives rise to difficulty as to whether the cost of operations to lighten the ship, and afterwards to get her floated, should be treated as G.

To read about the stranded cetacean, Dan Jarvis from BDMLR has very kindly produced this click here report for you to read.

Every attempt to improve matters, by reforming the impossible constitution, stranded on the opposition of the gentry.

On the pseudo- plinth is a simple, two-stranded guilloche.

Ford Prefect - has been stranded on Earth for the past fifteen years, a native of Betelgeuse, and roving researcher for that amazing compendium, the Hitchhiker's Guide.

For example, Madonna's "Material Girl" is accompanied by the story of a couple of socialites (not unlike Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton) who are stranded on a desert island.

This film, directed by Brett Simmons, is about a group of friends who become stranded on a weekend trip and are attacked by human scarecrows that have been reanimated.

In 1648 one of their ships was stranded in Table Bay, and the shipwrecked crew were left to forage for themselves on shore for several months.

Tangles consist of highly insoluble pairs of filaments which are wound round each other like a double-stranded rope.

On the hour Dwyer scored again - this time a looping header beating a stranded Nower.

It is composed of several fourstranded ropes, without hemp centres, laid side by side, and sewed together by wire (fig.

Departing in a rush, his ship leaves without him, leaving him stranded on a strange planet.

From a penalty corner, Craig Parnham's flick looped up off a defender's stick and over the stranded goalkeeper.


isolated, unaccompanied, marooned,


integrated, connected, joint, accompanied,

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