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strangled Meaning in Tamil ( strangled வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


குரல்வளை நெறி,

strangled's Usage Examples:

The crowd, which collected on so shocking a discovery, took up the idea that he had been strangled by the family to prevent him from changing his religion, and that this was a common practice among Protestants.

He gave a strangled cry of rage and pain in response.

A strangled sob escaped her lungs.

"Things strangled" and "blood" were rigorously abstained from; the lot was regarded as sacred; the accumulation of wealth they held to be unscriptural and improper, and each member considered his property as liable to be called upon at any time to meet the wants of the poor and the necessities of the church.

The mulla bashi (or high priest) objecting to the last, Nadir ordered him to be strangled, a command which was carried out on the spot.

, who had him strangled.

He was poisoned, and then strangled by a wrestler named Narcissus, on the 31st of December 192.

He was not strangled or stabbed or anything of the kind.

Hence the rule not to eat meats strangled, except in sacramental meals when the god inherent in the animal was partaken of.

A year later they strangled fifty youths of the dead man's servants (all Scyths born) and fifty of the best horses, stuffed them and mounted them in a circle about the tomb.

On his return Agis fled to the temple of Athene Chalcioecus at Sparta, but soon afterwards he was treacherously induced to leave his asylum and, after a mockery of a trial, was strangled in prison, his mother and grandmother sharing the same fate (241).


suppressed, stifled, inhibited, smothered,


publicized, unreserved, unrestrained, bare, uninhibited,

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