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strangers Meaning in Tamil ( strangers வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


பதியவர், பதியவள்,

strangers's Usage Examples:

But when he filled his court with them, made them earls and bishops, and appointed one of them, Robert of Jumiges, to the archbishopric of Canterbury, his undisguised preference for strangers gave no small offence to his English subjects.

Commercial cases, and litigation in which strangers are concerned, are carried to Beirut.

When I take a bath, I certainly don't want a hundred lecherous strangers staring at me.

'She reads the lips well, and if she cannot understand a phrase, her friends write it in her hand, and in this way she converses with strangers.

During the daytime the hillock at the entrance to the burrow is frequently occupied by one or more members of the family, which at the approach of strangers sit up on their hind-legs in order to get a better view.

The women of Arles have long enjoyed a reputation for marked beauty, but the distinctive type is fast disappearing owing to their intermarriage with strangers who have immigrated to the town.

The story keeps kids reading with nightmarish tales of swords, strangers, and other scary things for 12-14 year olds.

Terminally ill or missing child: One of the cruelest urban legends regards either a young child suffering from a fatal disease and longing to have millions of emails from strangers, or an email from a missing child.

Among friends we take liberties or say things that would seem discourteous among strangers.

Not everyone's personality thrives when losing weight through a gym membership, because not everyone desires the experience of sharing equipment, sweat, and self-consciousness with throngs of strangers.

At least he was ragging on her to his family and not complete strangers.

The strangers took their seats at the table willingly enough, for they were all hungry and the platters were now heaped with good things to eat.

A youngster who has handled staying at the home of someone she knows well may still have reservations about going to a location where the camp counselors and fellow campers are strangers to her.


interloper, foreigner, intruder, unknown, outsider, alien, trespasser,


glorious, intrinsic, native, citizen, acquaintance,

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