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stranger Meaning in Tamil ( stranger வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


பதியவர், பதியவள்,

stranger's Usage Examples:

But when he filled his court with them, made them earls and bishops, and appointed one of them, Robert of Jumiges, to the archbishopric of Canterbury, his undisguised preference for strangers gave no small offence to his English subjects.

?The guy exud­ed confidence to the point where Dean felt as if he had just dropped a plateful of mashed potatoes in his lap while this tall, dark stranger was toasting the queen.

Not when I have a guarantee from some freakish stranger I met in a dark alley.

Though Starlets and Harlots is no stranger to a good sale, expect to pay about "100 for either color if you have to purchase it at full price.

A programme so stupendous awoke in Alexander's impressionable mind an ambition to which he had hitherto been a stranger.

Commercial cases, and litigation in which strangers are concerned, are carried to Beirut.

When I take a bath, I certainly don't want a hundred lecherous strangers staring at me.

'She reads the lips well, and if she cannot understand a phrase, her friends write it in her hand, and in this way she converses with strangers.

), where, arguing with those " who drag everything down to the corporeal " (vcnµa), the Eleatic stranger would fain prove to them the existence of something incorporeal, as follows.

Now one of the cardinal rules of politeness is to avoid burdening a stranger with the weight of ones own woes.

Rousseau, who was jealously sparing of his praises, addressed to him, in his Nouvelle Heloise, a fine panegyric; and when a stranger flatteringly told Voltaire he had come to see a great man, the philosopher asked him if he had seen Abauzit.

She was no stranger to private personalities.

Nicholas suddenly felt a desire and need to tell his most intimate thoughts (which he would not have told to his mother, his sister, or his friend) to this woman who was almost a stranger.


interloper, foreigner, intruder, unknown, outsider, alien, trespasser,


glorious, intrinsic, native, citizen, acquaintance,

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