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strangeness Meaning in Tamil ( strangeness வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



strangeness தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

கணிதவியலாளர்களின் பட்டியல்கள் கைநாட்டு என்பது எழுதப்படிக்க தெரியாதவர்களை குறிப்பதாகும்.

strangeness's Usage Examples:

untouchable sound, the look, the rhapsodic rhetoric, and the strangeness.

The strangeness and absurdity of these replies arise from the fact that modern history, like a deaf man, answers questions no one has asked.

" They endeavoured to enable the English reader to follow the correspondences of the original with the closest exactness, to catch the solemn repetition of words and phrases, to mark the subtleties of expression, to feel even the strangeness of unusual forms of speech.

In the existing portraits of him those who never saw him are apt to discover a strangeness which seems to them sinister or even affected.

Much the same as support hose for fibromyalgia or socks that encourage circulation to prevent deep vein thrombosis, this sort of lingerie, whether for men or women, is welcome despite its strangeness, intrusiveness or downright ugliness.

"Much was made of the vehicle, the environment, the very strangeness.

strangeness of the three characters is intentional.

As soon as the questioning spirit arose, the strangeness of many statements in the book leaped into view.

They had the untouchable sound, the look, the rhapsodic rhetoric, and the strangeness.


unfamiliarity, eccentricity, bizarreness, weirdness, strange, oddity, eeriness, outlandishness, quaintness, crotchet, singularity, queerness, unusualness, freakishness, quirk, ghostliness, quirkiness, abnormality, foreign,


national, domestic, native, usualness, familiarity,

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