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stramonium Meaning in Tamil ( stramonium வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


stramonium's Usage Examples:

STRAMONIUM, in medicine, a drug obtained from the leaves and seeds of the Datura stramonium.

Movie stars smoked and it was so cool!Cigarettes made of stramonium leaves may be smoked or the tincture may be taken internally.

In large doses stramonium is a narcotic poison producing the wellmarked stages of exaltation of function, diminution of functional activity, and later loss of function, sinking into coma and paralysis.

Cigarettes made of stramonium leaves may be smoked or the tincture may be taken internally.

Various other adulterants are sometimes used, such as the inspissated juice of the prickly pear, extracts from tobacco, stramonium and hemp, pulp of the tamarind and bael fruit, mahwah flowers and gums of different kinds.

The physiological action of stramonium resembles that of belladonna, except that stramonium relaxes to a greater extent the unstriped muscle of the bronchial tubes; for this reason it is used in asthma to relieve the bronchial spasm.

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