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insistences Meaning in marathi ( insistences शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)


सतत आणि सतत मागण्या,


अनिर्बंध, अखुटी, हट्टी,

insistences's Usage Examples:

Americans, agency reveals – Inspector general"s admission undermines fresh insistences from president that breaches of privacy rules were inadvertent".

characterized denominationalism in America as "a virtual ecclesiology" that "first of all repudiates the insistences of the Catholic Church, the churches of the.

some decrying church interference, others saying they could not ignore insistences from church leaders, and one board member stating that "The opinion of.

Tempo (also from Angra) noted that Lino would fall inline to repeated insistences of João Franco, to whom he owed his position.

America as "a virtual ecclesiology" that "first of all repudiates the insistences of the Catholic Church, the churches of the "magisterial" Reformation.

too insider-y—too many details about too many "90s indie bands—and his insistences on Smith"s sense of humor, though no doubt true, ring hollow.

Dussander continues marching despite Bowden"s insistences to stop, emulating the premise of Goethe"s poem The Sorcerer"s Apprentice.

of the Church in Austria: the Austrian coalition government, on the insistences of Social Democratic Party ministers, refused to accept the concordat.

Muche"s insistences, making the principal angry.

work out of remorse, as Barnovschi"s execution was partly due to his insistences.

The insistences occurred when The Washington Post reported in a telephone interview with.

Despite Rousseau"s selfish insistences, Denise vanishes.

Islanders" play, but they disbelieve her, as many Irravels make such insistences with no particular claim to legitimacy.


demand, insisting, purism,


cool, obviate, supply, inactivity,

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