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insists Meaning in marathi ( insists शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

आग्रह धरतो, म्हणत रहा, हट्टी, आग्रह करणे, चिकाटी, आग्रह धरणे,


म्हणत रहा, चिकाटी, आग्रह धरणे,

insists मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

केवळ कलात्मक प्रेरणेचा आग्रह धरणे म्हणजे साहित्याच्या स्वाभाविक विस्ताराला मर्यादा घालणे होय.

insists's Usage Examples:

List of American televangelists Christ"s campaign manager Evangelist Bill Keller insists on unvarnished.

Patterson does so and tries to be civil with Homer, but Homer insists he will fight the department and decides to run for Commissioner.

Once they get back to Maria's just in time before her curfew ends they have sex and afterwards she tells him he can stay with Eva and that they can carry on having an affair behind her back but Maria is heartbroken when he and Eva get engaged, and although at first she insists their affair is over; Maria carries on secretly meeting Aidan.

Janet Maslin, writing in The New York Times, lauds the first half of the film, but concludes that, as “brilliantly as it begins, Safe eventually succumbs to its own modern malady, as the film maker insists on a chilly ambiguity that breeds more detachment than interest”….

Suzanne becomes angry with Felix for pursuing another woman, while he insists that she is hypocritical, as she is still dating Traci.

is a grindingly conventional comedy that insists on tying up its subplots in pretty ribbons.

Sita crosses the boundary line only to give alms to Ravana once he insists that alms cannot be accepted across a barrier as having a boundary in between.

This critique insists that the popular Western culture does not fill people with aesthetic and cultural satisfaction.

In love with her himself, Murdock agrees to leave town with her, but insists on retrieving the incriminating weapon first, despite Coral's objections.

Schratt resists the brain's hypnotic power by repeating the rhyme, Amidst the mists and coldest frosts he thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts.

One is that she insists that ancient sources be understood as documentation of the attitudes, context and beliefs of their authors, not as reliable sources for the events they address.

Zimmerman attempts to add additional programming to the Doctor, but he insists that he is good the way he is.

bursts in and insists on seeing the Queen immediately, even though she is wigless and in her dressing gown.


hold firm, stand pat, asseverate, stand firm, maintain, assert, stand fast, take a firm stand,


obviate, defend,

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