insistence Meaning in marathi ( insistence शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)
आग्रह, अनिर्बंध, हट्टी,
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insistence मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:
बबड्या आहे फारच हट्टी, त्यामुळे सासू-सुनेची होईल का गट्टी? (२८ सप्टेंबर २०२०).
आर्यन देवगिरी अथर्व सौमित्र बनहट्टी (राधिकाचा मुलगा).
अद्वैत दादरकर सौमित्र यशवंत बनहट्टी (सॅमी).
बनहट्टी) (१९०१ - १९७५) हे मराठी लेखक होते.
या सर्व गोष्टींबरोबरच, ईश्वरचंद्र एक हुशार मनातील एक हट्टी मुलगा होता आणि त्यांनी आपल्या अभ्यासात लक्ष वेधले.
कानडी-मराठी शब्दकोशामधे हट्टी म्हणजे गाई-बैल असा अर्थ दिलेला अढळतो.
ज्या लोकांना मंगळदोष असतो अशा लोकांचा स्वभाव हा तापट, हट्टी, भांडकुदळ असतो, असे फलज्योतिष सांगते.
हट्टी राणी आणि कपिलदेव.
जलयुक्त शिवार अभियानात सहभागी गावे करलहट्टी हे सांगली जिल्ह्यातल्या कवठे महांकाळ तालुक्यातील गाव आहे.
वार्षिक यात्रा, प्रदर्शन, बाजार यांचा क्रमवार: कार्तिक वारी (पंढरपूर), इस्लामपूर, खटाव (कर्नाटक), होर्ती, महूद, नागोबा, जत, पुसेगाव, जवळा, रायबाग, सोलापूर, विजापूर, खरसुंडी, सांगोला, चडचण, माघी वारी, पिलीव, अकलूज, चिंचणी, लोणी (कर्नाटक), करगणी, अथणी, हेबलहट्टी, जामखंडी, खरसुंडी (चैत्र), कोळे, उमदी, माडग्याळ, उगर, घटप्रभा (कर्नाटक).
त्यातूनही बंधारा नसल्याने पाणी वाहून पुढे जायचे, त्यामुळे बसप्पावाडी, अंकले, कोकळे, ढफळापूर, कुडनूर, करलहट्टी या गावांना नदी पात्र असूनही तीव्र पाणीटंचाईला सामोरे जावे लागत असे.
insistence's Usage Examples:
Robin Tunney as Veronica Donovan (seasons 1–2): Veronica is Michael and Lincoln's childhood friend who decides to review Lincoln's case at Michael's insistence.
His insistence on being allowed to retain his questionable title of Tui Viti proved unacceptable to the British government, which turned his offer down after four years of consideration in 1862.
At the insistence of his teacher, Shubhendra moved to Delhi to live with and learn from him in the true guru-shishya tradition.
However, some difficulties in the payment appeared, along with the Uruguayan's insistence in remaining at Valencia, with the transfer thus being delayed.
(Platt resigned at Conkling's insistence, earning him the nickname of Me Too Platt.
Three Minute Warning, a single song which is split into five tracks, references an incident in the studio where Levin became frustrated with the band's insistence on composing songs instead of improvising jams.
, but upon Prince's insistence the song was released and added to Parade.
Bogdanovich's sensitivity towards his characters and outright insistence that we see even the most gluttonous and poisonous among them as human beings is rare, and commendable, indeed.
Reese who was removed as editor of America magazine by the insistence of the Vatican says that he “always felt that Kolvenbach did everything he could to defend me.
Princess Taiping fervently opposed it, and Li Longji initially declined, but at Emperor Ruizong's insistence finally accepted and took the throne (as Emperor Xuanzong).
the most distinguished for its rigid insistence on its legal rights over bondmen.
Scissor SistersBorn in New York City, he was introduced to the Scissor Sisters in 2001 at the insistence of a friend who, at the time, was dating Jake Shears.
It was initiated at the insistence of Swami Anand and other close co-workers of Gandhi, who encouraged him to explain the background of his public campaigns.
purism, insisting, demand,
inactivity, supply, obviate, cool,