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insistent Meaning in marathi ( insistent शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

आग्रही, खूप निकड, हट्टी,


काटेकोरपणे, हट्टी,

insistent मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

बबड्या आहे फारच हट्टी, त्यामुळे सासू-सुनेची होईल का गट्टी? (२८ सप्टेंबर २०२०).

आर्यन देवगिरी अथर्व सौमित्र बनहट्टी (राधिकाचा मुलगा).

अद्वैत दादरकर सौमित्र यशवंत बनहट्टी (सॅमी).

बनहट्टी) (१९०१ - १९७५) हे मराठी लेखक होते.

या सर्व गोष्टींबरोबरच, ईश्वरचंद्र एक हुशार मनातील एक हट्टी मुलगा होता आणि त्यांनी आपल्या अभ्यासात लक्ष वेधले.

कानडी-मराठी शब्दकोशामधे हट्टी म्हणजे गाई-बैल असा अर्थ दिलेला अढळतो.

ज्या लोकांना मंगळदोष असतो अशा लोकांचा स्वभाव हा तापट, हट्टी, भांडकुदळ असतो, असे फलज्योतिष सांगते.

हट्टी राणी आणि कपिलदेव.

जलयुक्त शिवार अभियानात सहभागी गावे करलहट्टी हे सांगली जिल्ह्यातल्या कवठे महांकाळ तालुक्यातील गाव आहे.

वार्षिक यात्रा, प्रदर्शन, बाजार यांचा क्रमवार: कार्तिक वारी (पंढरपूर), इस्लामपूर, खटाव (कर्नाटक), होर्ती, महूद, नागोबा, जत, पुसेगाव, जवळा, रायबाग, सोलापूर, विजापूर, खरसुंडी, सांगोला, चडचण, माघी वारी, पिलीव, अकलूज, चिंचणी, लोणी (कर्नाटक), करगणी, अथणी, हेबलहट्टी, जामखंडी, खरसुंडी (चैत्र), कोळे, उमदी, माडग्याळ, उगर, घटप्रभा (कर्नाटक).

त्यातूनही बंधारा नसल्याने पाणी वाहून पुढे जायचे, त्यामुळे बसप्पावाडी, अंकले, कोकळे, ढफळापूर, कुडनूर, करलहट्टी या गावांना नदी पात्र असूनही तीव्र पाणीटंचाईला सामोरे जावे लागत असे.

insistent's Usage Examples:

The Thane of Cawdor's execution takes place on-screen accompanied by insistent drumbeats.

In each of his numerous collections of studies, embracing every degree of difficulty, he has insistently given to every piece, easy or difficult, brief or extended, a character of salient melody.

William McKeen, author of Rock and roll is here to stay, said that the melody of Dress You Up was insistently chugging.

However, he was insistent that no sandalwood had been sold to them, as he had declared a tabu on the sale of sandalwood among his subordinates.

The Sikh militants, however, dissociated, insistently inculpating the Government-affiliated Black Cats.

He was truculently insistent that he was not part of any return to figuration, but rather had found his own way as a post-abstract representational artist.

Earlier scripts had the character insistent on keeping hold of the babies, with the writers later deciding it would.

At the same time, he cautions that "both text and music are insistent, unrelaxed, and reject passive acceptance", placing unusually high demands on the.

Professional wrestler Bret Hart guest starred in the episode as himself, and he was very insistent that he be shown wearing his pink wrestling outfit.

intimacy of Zoot Allures as an insistent peaceful motif with conventional evocation.

With time running out, Tucker is insistent the group departs, while the scientists downplay the level of the threat, but finally assent.

for the Illustrated London News wrote, "it insistently vulgarises and cheapens a theme from Brahms"s Third Symphony".


repetitive, continual,


slow, undemanding, sporadic,

insistent's Meaning in Other Sites