insisting Meaning in marathi ( insisting शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)
आग्रह करणे, त्रास देणारा, हट्टी,
त्रास देणारा, हट्टी,
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insisting मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:
नाशिक जिल्ह्यातील गावे हट्टी हे भारताच्या महाराष्ट्र राज्यातील नाशिक जिल्ह्यातील चांदवड तालुक्यातील एक गाव आहे.
ग्रामस्थांनी त्यांचे मन वळविण्याचा प्रयत्न केला पण समर्थ तसे हट्टी होते.
हट्टीकारा म्हणजे गाईबैलांचा मालक.
हटकरांचा स्वभाव हा हट्टी आणि भांडखोर आहे.
'माणूस नावाचे बेट', 'मधल्या भिंती', 'सरी गं सरी', 'एक हट्टी मुलगी', 'अशी पाखरे येती', 'गिधाडे', 'छिन्न' आदी नाटके रूढ सामाजिक संकेतांना, तसेच नाट्यसंकेतांना हादरा देणारी आणि वादग्रस्त ठरली.
त्यामुळे ती हट्टी, एकलकोंडी आणि आक्रस्ताळी झाली.
थोडी खट्टी थोडी हट्टी (इ.
शक्ती अजयचे मार्ग बदलण्यात मदत करण्यासाठी खूप प्रयत्न करतो, पण अजयचा हट्टी स्वभाव वाटेत येतो.
जर तुम्ही पिंपळगाव बसवंत वरून किंवा त्या चांदवड वरून येत असाल तर वडाळीभोई आणि धोडंबे वरून हट्टी असे यावे लागेल.
एक हट्टी मुलगी (गृहस्थ).
insisting's Usage Examples:
Hamengkubuwono IX refused this offer, insisting that Sultan had to stay close to his people in times of crisis.
Learned Hand Professor of Law at Harvard Law School, Mary Ann Glendon, interprets this to mean, He was insisting that the responsibility for setting conditions for peace does not just belong to the great and powerful of the world—it belongs to each and every one of us.
by refusing Tampa entry into Australian waters, insisting on their disembarkment elsewhere, and deploying the Special Air Service Regiment to board the.
Noboru even tells the gang about his hero, insisting that “He’s different.
is repeatedly bid to "bind up your hairs"; she obeys, then subsequently unbinds it again, insisting "I will not keep this form upon my head / When there.
From then on, Amos treats Alan frostily, insisting on calling him "Mr Turner".
Her sense of order, propriety and taste got her into trouble: mocked by a Labour peeress for commenting on the drab and dishevelled appearance of the House of Lords, she more than once appeared a martinet for insisting on dress code.
However, once promoted, Linevich procrastinated, irking Tsar Nicholas II with never-ending demands for reinforcements, insisting.
) Despite insisting he would never marry again after his first divorce, Fleming married Becky Lynn in a private ceremony at Norman Vincent Peale's home.
insisting he deserves godlike power after being underestimated and condescended to throughout his life.
The two men got on well – Maud'huy referring to him as 'my friend Spears', and insisting that they ate together.
After insisting on a look test with Bachchan, she said that his effective transformation into a young boy had convinced her to accept the part.
purism, insistence, demand,
inactivity, supply, obviate,