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insofar Meaning in marathi ( insofar शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

जेवढे, जिथपर्यंत,


जेवढे, जिथपर्यंत,

insofar मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

जेवढे दान पडले तेवढी घरे त्या खेळातली सोंगटी पुढे सरकते.

अतिसारामुळे मोठ्या आतड्यामधून जेवढे पाणी शोषून घेतले जाते त्याहून अधिक बाहेर पडते.

जोते जेवढे मजबूत तेवढे घर टिकावू समजले जाते.

दिनकर‘राव’ जेवढे रसिक तेवढेच कलंदर.

जेवढे गर्भाचे वजन अधिक तेवढी गर्भ जगण्याची शक्यता वाढते.

पण या सगळ्या मज्जापेशी माणसाच्या त्या बाहेरच्या कॉर्टेक्सच्या आवरणावर मावत नाहीत म्हणूनच या सुरकुत्या किंवा वळकट्या पडल्या असाव्यात असा तज्ज्ञांना वाटतं आणि म्हणूनच जेवढे वळकट्या जास्त तेवढी बुद्धी जास्त असंही मानलं जातं .

लोक जेवढे पुस्तकावर प्रेम करतात तेवढेच या ट्रेन वर ही करतात.

पीठात प्रथिनांचे प्रमाण जेवढे कमी तेवढे पीठ मुलायम, जे केक, कुकीज आणि पाय क्रस्ट साठी चांगले असते.

अतिवेगाने धावता यावे म्हणून शिंकान्सेनचे मार्ग जेवढे आणि जिथे जमतील तिथे सरळ ठेवण्यात आले आहेत आणि वळणांची वक्रता जेवढी कमी ठेवता येईल तेवढी कमी ठेवण्यात आली आहे.

चवीसाठी मसाले जेवढे आवश्यक असतात तेवढेच ते आरोग्यदायीही आहेत.

जेवढे रेणू जवळ जवळ तेवढा पदार्थ जास्त कठीण असतो.

चटई क्षेत्र निर्देशांक जेव्हा एक असतो तेव्हा जागेचे जेवढे क्षेत्रफळ असते तेवढेच बांधकाम करता येते.

द्रव्याचे आकारमान जेवढे अधिक, तेवढा द्रव्याचा बाष्पीभवनचा दर वाढतो.

insofar's Usage Examples:

However, the owner of a bank may not prohibit anyone from urging the general public to a bank run, except insofar as this occurs on the property of said owner.

is related to but remains distinct from holism insofar as organicism prefigures holism; while latter concept is applied within a broader scope to universal.

Scripture from the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, "the original text, insofar as possible, must be translated integrally and in the most exact manner.

It is related to chemically induced dynamic electron polarization (CIDEP) insofar as the radical-pair mechanism explains both phenomena.

RR is a stereoselective stain for pectic acid, insofar as the staining site occurs between each monomer unit and.

insofar as they require the assessment of their property at its full money value without making deduction, as in the case of railroads operated in one.

Although BAM systems usually use a computer dashboard display to present data, BAM is distinct from the dashboards used by business intelligence (BI) insofar as events are processed in real-time or near real-time and pushed to the dashboard in BAM systems, whereas BI dashboards refresh at predetermined intervals by polling or querying databases.

Piganino and related cartoons insofar referred to uppity and wannabee neighbors and their porcine conflicts with others.

the concept of indexical expressions appearing in ordinary language philosophy (1967), wherein a statement is considered to be indexical insofar as it.

Indeed, one scholar notes that, insofar as almost all versions of feminism involve "demonstrating the ways in which.

Occult science is the science of what occurs occultly insofar as it is not perceived in external nature, but in that region toward.

However, the text is valuable insofar as it confirms the identity of Vasubandhu as author of the Abhidharmakośakārikā.

Instead it means both materiality and sensibility—signifying, for example, a tactile object both insofar as that object is made of matter and that the object can be tactically sensed.


so far, to that degree, in so far, to that extent,

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