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appropriated Meaning in marathi ( appropriated शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

विनियुक्त, ताब्यात घेणे, स्वतःचे बनवा,


ताब्यात घेणे, स्वतःचे बनवा,


समर्थ, अर्थहीन, हक्कदार, वैशिष्ट्यपूर्ण, सुयोग्य, ते बरोबर आहे, योग्य, वाजवी,

appropriated मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

कच्चा मालासाठी वसाहती काबीज करणे आणि त्याच प्रदेशात पक्क्या मालाच्या विक्रीसाठी बाजारपेठा उपलब्ध करणे, लष्करीदृष्ट्या महत्त्वाची ठिकाणे आपल्या ताब्यात घेणे, आपल्या ताब्यातील वसाहतींची आर्थिक लूट करणे आणि स्वत:च्या देशाची अर्थव्यवस्था संपन्न करणे, त्यासाठी त्यांनी वसाहतींवर वेगवेगळे निर्बंध लादले आणि आपल्या देशासाठी अनेक सवलती मिळविल्या.

भारतातील कायदे अधिग्रहण म्हणजे खाजगी मालकीची स्थावर संपत्ती मालकाचे उत्तराधिकार कायम ठेऊन सार्वजनिक प्रयोजनासाठी शासन काही काळपर्यंत ताब्यात घेणे.

स्वातंत्र्याच्या नावाखाली सत्तेच्या लालसेचा हा उघड खेळ लोहिया यांनी उघड्या डोळ्यांनी पाहिला होता आणि त्यामुळेच स्वातंत्र्यानंतर काँग्रेस पक्ष आणि काँग्रेसजनांबद्दल त्यांच्या मनात इतका राग आणि चीड निर्माण झाली होती की, त्यांनी दोन्ही पक्षांना ताब्यात घेणेच बरे होते.

१६७७ मध्ये विरोधी सरदारांनी सोमशेखर नायक याचा खून केला, पण त्यांना राज्य ताब्यात घेणे जमले नाही.

appropriated's Usage Examples:

Edward VII revenue stamp appropriated for Petty Sessions for use in Ireland (further overprinted for Dog Licence).

detail, the term has become appropriated to describe the practice of meticulously searching for minor, even trivial errors in detail .

In 1838, Congress appropriated "3,000 for a lighthouse at Race Rock but the money was never expended.

The German name Angerburg () is derived from the Old Prussian word for eel, Anger, which the German Teutonic Knights appropriated after conquering the Old Prussians.

For example, Farquhar allowed merchants to encroach on designated government area – he permitted the erection of houses and godowns on the Padang and on the nearby banks of the Singapore River, within an area Raffles specified not to be permanently appropriated by individuals.

They appropriated market territories and fixed the useful life of such bulbs.

Modern era In Britain, the rough tweed cloth clothing of the Irish, English and Scottish peasantry, including the flat cap and Irish hat were appropriated by the upper classes as the British country clothing worn for sports such as hunting or fishing, in imitation of the then Prince of Wales.

The Spanish colonial governor then appropriated the remaining treasure for construction projects among other uses.

No appropriation of funds was made in 1901 and in 1902 "45,000 was appropriated.

Photographer Louise Lawler has appropriated partially cropped views of Victory Boogie Woogie in several photographs focused on the Tremaine art collection in residential interiors and on view in the 1984 Tremaine Collection exhibition at the Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford.

In September 2009, an appeal by Hilliard against the judgement against him was rejected by the Full Court of the Supreme Court of Victoria, which affirmed that Hilliard had misappropriated over "3 million from Vizard, rejected Hilliard's claims against Vizard, and ordered Hilliard to repay the missing moneys and costs.

commutation of all feu-duties and rents (other than those relating to cens et rentes) through payments to the lords from a fund appropriated for that purpose.

The academic, musician and journalist Greg Tate argues that appropriation and the fetishising of cultures, in fact, alienates those whose culture is being appropriated.


grade-appropriate, proper, apropos, right, befitting, pat, appropriateness,


refrain, inappropriate, improper, inappropriateness, malapropos,

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