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appropriations Meaning in marathi ( appropriations शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

विनियोग, ग्रह, गिळणे,


ग्रह, गिळणे,

appropriations मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

मेंदूच्या ज्या भागावर परिणाम होतो, त्यानुसार रुग्णाची आकलनक्षमता, शिकणे, बोलणे आणि संवाद साधणे, श्रवण क्षमता, अन्न गिळणे, बुद्धी, स्वभाव, संवेदना, तसेच दृष्टीवरील परिणाम अशा प्रकारचे दोष निर्माण होतात.

कामाच्या ठिकाणी रॉकेलचा श्वास घेणे, गिळणे, त्वचेचा संपर्क आणि डोळ्यांमधील संपर्क यामुळे लोक संपर्कात येऊ शकतात.

तोंडामध्ये पुरळ उठल्यास पाणी पिणे किंवा अन्न गिळणे कठीण होते.

विकिप्रकल्प वैद्यकशास्त्र मानवी शरीराची हालचाल न होणे, स्पर्श,गंध,दिसणे,गिळणे,बोलणे आदी शरीर सुस्थितीत असतांना सहजपणे घडणाऱ्या क्रिया न करता येणे यास बेशुद्धी म्हणतात.

जलद गतीने अन्न गिळणे.

महाभारतात शाप, माशाने अंगठी गिळणे, वगैरे काही नाही.

appropriations's Usage Examples:

, and Japan tension heating up, appropriations for operation and maintenance of the base fell short.

omnibus negotiating process takes place later in the year, and involves reconciling differences in the various bills so that an identical, combined appropriations.

The fiscal 1965 supplemental appropriations bill (HR 12633–PL 88-635) provided "700,000 to start the Commission's studies.

misappropriations may be concealed by using irregular accounting entries and profit overstatements may inflate the year end bonuses to perpetrators.

addition to the presidential rescission procedure, Congress may initiate rescissions as part of a normal appropriations bill.

thievery is that there is often no public announcement explaining or apologizing for misappropriations, nor any legal charges or punishment levied against.

the House and Senate committees and for Appropriations subcommittees, which then approve individual appropriations bills to allocate funding to various federal.

Continues prior year appropriations if new state budget delayed.

Burke later fled to Honduras after it was discovered that there were misappropriations of state treasury funds.

5 million) failed to gain the required three-fourths majority, but was declared passed by the General Assembly under the just debts of the State exemption, and all subsequent special appropriations bills were passed thereafter.

Unable to pass appropriations bills, the paralyzed government of Indiana teetered on bankruptcy until Morton once again stepped out of the scope of his powers.

irregularities are often committed as a means to an end, for example assets misappropriations may be concealed by using irregular accounting entries and profit.


pork, pork barrel, money,


disapproval, integration, forfeit, derequisition,

appropriations's Meaning in Other Sites