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appropriating Meaning in marathi ( appropriating शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

योग्य, ताब्यात घेणे, स्वतःचे बनवा,


ताब्यात घेणे, स्वतःचे बनवा,


समर्थ, अर्थहीन, हक्कदार, वैशिष्ट्यपूर्ण, सुयोग्य, ते बरोबर आहे, योग्य, वाजवी,

appropriating मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

कच्चा मालासाठी वसाहती काबीज करणे आणि त्याच प्रदेशात पक्क्या मालाच्या विक्रीसाठी बाजारपेठा उपलब्ध करणे, लष्करीदृष्ट्या महत्त्वाची ठिकाणे आपल्या ताब्यात घेणे, आपल्या ताब्यातील वसाहतींची आर्थिक लूट करणे आणि स्वत:च्या देशाची अर्थव्यवस्था संपन्न करणे, त्यासाठी त्यांनी वसाहतींवर वेगवेगळे निर्बंध लादले आणि आपल्या देशासाठी अनेक सवलती मिळविल्या.

भारतातील कायदे अधिग्रहण म्हणजे खाजगी मालकीची स्थावर संपत्ती मालकाचे उत्तराधिकार कायम ठेऊन सार्वजनिक प्रयोजनासाठी शासन काही काळपर्यंत ताब्यात घेणे.

स्वातंत्र्याच्या नावाखाली सत्तेच्या लालसेचा हा उघड खेळ लोहिया यांनी उघड्या डोळ्यांनी पाहिला होता आणि त्यामुळेच स्वातंत्र्यानंतर काँग्रेस पक्ष आणि काँग्रेसजनांबद्दल त्यांच्या मनात इतका राग आणि चीड निर्माण झाली होती की, त्यांनी दोन्ही पक्षांना ताब्यात घेणेच बरे होते.

१६७७ मध्ये विरोधी सरदारांनी सोमशेखर नायक याचा खून केला, पण त्यांना राज्य ताब्यात घेणे जमले नाही.

appropriating's Usage Examples:

He was convicted on 25 counts of misappropriating public funds, involving "8700 spent on private accommodation, travel.

appropriating £44,000 from the estate of Wintle"s deceased cousin, by inveigling her into leaving the residue of her estate to Nye in her will.

is pretty capable, and the bhangra-appropriating "Come " Get It" is guilelessly silly enough to work.

In 2019, Atala and his institute were accused of misappropriating the name "Cerrado vanilla" by registering it as a commercial name at.

appropriate the wealth of their nation, typically by embezzling or misappropriating government funds at the expense of the wider population.

the secular states of Europe, in particular France and England, from appropriating church revenues without the express prior permission of the pope.

In Integral Humanism, Golwalkar"s thoughts were supplemented by appropriating major Gandhian principles and presented as version of Hindu Nationalism.

native of Atlanta, Georgia, he grew up a huge Hank Aaron fan, even appropriating his idol"s nickname, "The Hammer.

After receiving criticism for the story being "offensive" and appropriating the grief of losing a child, Card put a disclaimer at the end of the.

In the second legal proceedings, Hilliard faced civil action related to the allegations of misappropriating money from the Vizard companies, with Vizard's bank Westpac commencing civil proceedings against Hilliard in 2001.

Clark's efforts included directing FBI agents and appropriating vehicles and equipment for the rescue effort, before fleeing the scene.

Heehs also criticized Danino's other works for appropriating Sri Aurobindo in his campaign against the Indo-Aryan migrations and for distorting Aurobindo's speculative views as assertions.


grade-appropriate, proper, apropos, right, befitting, pat, appropriateness,


refrain, inappropriate, improper, inappropriateness, malapropos,

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