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approval Meaning in marathi ( approval शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

मान्यता, अनुमोदन,


पुरावा, अनुकूल कल्पना, अनुमोदन, उत्कृष्ट मानले जाते,

approval मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

लायनस टोरवाल्ड्सने त्याला दुसर्‍या दिवशीच अनुमोदन दिले आणि फिल हयुजेसने लिनक्स जर्नल मासिकात या संज्ञेला पाठिंबा दिला.

त्याने आपल्या सर्व सेनापतींची सभा बोलावून त्यांना गंगेच्या पलीकडे जाऊन जगाचा अंत पाहण्याची मनीषा व्यक्त केली परंतु त्याच्या निर्णयाला कोणीही अनुमोदन दिले नाही.

तर हकीम अजमलखान यांनी त्यास अनुमोदन दिले व अशाप्रकारे डिसेंबर १९०६मध्ये मुस्लिम लीगची विधिवत स्थापना झाली.

उषा बागड, सचिन बागड यांनी या ठरावाचे वाचन केले आणि समाजातील उपस्थित नागरिकांनी त्याला अनुमोदन दिले.

यात इस्लाममधील शब्द, कृती आणि मूक अनुमोदन, परंपरा इत्यादींचा समावेश होतो.

त्यावेळचे विदेश सचिव ओलाफ कॅरो यांनी याला अनुमोदन दिले.

भविष्य पुराणात म्हटले आहे की उत्तम आचरण करणाऱ्या विधवा स्त्रीने वेदमंत्रांना ग्रहण करावे तसेच सधवा स्त्रियांनी आपल्या पतीचे अनुमोदन घेऊन वेदमंत्रांचे अध्ययन-अध्यापन करावे.

अनु-(प्रमाणें) अनुकरण, अनुमोदन.

मे १९४९ मध्ये संविधान सभेने भारताच्या राष्ट्रकुलाच्या सदस्यत्वाला अनुमोदन दिले.

चिटणीस यांनी याबाबत ठराव मांडला होता व प्रभाकर पाध्ये यांनी त्याला अनुमोदन दिले होते.

approval's Usage Examples:

org appeared September 18, 1998 with the sole purpose of building a petition to express disapproval of Bill Clinton, call for a quick censure and move on to other issues.

Queer Cubans notably tried to escape the island either by enlisting in the Cuban military to be deployed abroad, or by emigrating in the Mariel boatlift where LGBT Cuban prisoners were specifically targeted by authorities to be given approval to emigrate.

The uniform was approved by the board of directors on November 5, 1991 and polling showed an 80% approval rate among parents, though it was widely opposed by the students.

Warned of the protest, producer Lloyd brought copies of newspaper articles reporting the film's premiere in the black township of Soweto, where it had been received with enthusiasm and approval.

"he is motivated 30 per cent by public service, 40 per cent by "sheer egomania" and 30 per cent [by] disapproval of "swankpot journalists".

With voter approval of Proposition H in 2004 and Proposition U in 2008, Helix High School will undergo remodeling projects.

The station launched as CJBR in 1947 and changed to its current callsign in the 1990s after receiving CRTC approval to broadcast at 101.

Rimpau| 1887| 1888|-| 12| Frank Ey| 1888| 1888|-|colspan 4 bgcolor silver aligncenter|Presidents of the City of AnaheimThe Town of Anaheim was reorganized as the City of Anaheim after an Act of the California State Legislature on March 13, 1883, and approval by Anaheim voters on June 4, 1888.

hand gesture achieved by a closed fist held with the thumb extended upward or downward in approval or disapproval, respectively.

On 17 September 2018, the Government of India proposed the amalgamation of Dena Bank and Vijaya Bank with the Bank of Baroda, pending approval.

approval by claiming that a rich uncle has left him his fortune, and consummates the marriage in Manley"s stead after a nine-year delay.

recording for the label, Prestige used unissued recordings to create new marketable albums without Coltrane"s input or approval.

9 FM after receiving approval from the CTRC for their Low Power FM licence the previous September.


admiration, reinforcement, support, acceptance, blessing, adoption, appreciation, backing, acceptation, reward, backup, espousal, patronage, championship, approving,


distrust, disapprove, boo, disagreement, disapproval,

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