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appropriators Meaning in marathi ( appropriators शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)


कोणीतरी (विशेषतः परवानगीशिवाय) स्वतःच्या वापरासाठी घेतो,


घोटाळा करणारा, कब्जा करणारा,

appropriators's Usage Examples:

hand, programs with discretionary funding require for congressional appropriators to designate funding to them because they are not funded directly in.

The Dean and Chapter of Lincoln were the appropriators of the rectory and patrons of the living (incumbency).

forgo micromanagement at the leadership level, and let bipartisan appropriators do their work.

The act however, was extended by appropriators each fiscal year until the early 1960s.

States agricultural law, Commodity Assistance Program is term used by appropriators to refer to a variety of domestic programs receiving food in the form.

beneficiaries of the pre-existing water policies does not belong to the appropriators, such a condition creates an incentive to use as much water as possible.

About 100 Public Affairs Bulletins were generated before congressional appropriators ended their production in 1951.

"Rock, meet hard place: Senate appropriators" dilemma".

Over the course of FY2014 financial planning "appropriators chided NASA for unrealistic expectations that a Landsat 9 would cost.

traditionally receive discretionary funds as provided annually by Congressional appropriators.

most of the appropriators in the decision making process Effective monitoring by monitors who are part of or accountable to the appropriators Graduated.

were awarded in FY2000 and FY2001; in all other years congressional appropriators have prohibited USDA from spending funds on personnel to operate the.

called Lummis one of Arizona Congressman Jeff Flake"s "posse of anti-appropriators" on the Appropriations Committee.

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