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appropriation Meaning in marathi ( appropriation शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

विनियोग, अधिकार, ग्रह, गिळणे, ताबा, विकत घेतलेली वस्तू, गबन,


ग्रह, गिळणे,

appropriation मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

मेंदूच्या ज्या भागावर परिणाम होतो, त्यानुसार रुग्णाची आकलनक्षमता, शिकणे, बोलणे आणि संवाद साधणे, श्रवण क्षमता, अन्न गिळणे, बुद्धी, स्वभाव, संवेदना, तसेच दृष्टीवरील परिणाम अशा प्रकारचे दोष निर्माण होतात.

कामाच्या ठिकाणी रॉकेलचा श्वास घेणे, गिळणे, त्वचेचा संपर्क आणि डोळ्यांमधील संपर्क यामुळे लोक संपर्कात येऊ शकतात.

तोंडामध्ये पुरळ उठल्यास पाणी पिणे किंवा अन्न गिळणे कठीण होते.

विकिप्रकल्प वैद्यकशास्त्र मानवी शरीराची हालचाल न होणे, स्पर्श,गंध,दिसणे,गिळणे,बोलणे आदी शरीर सुस्थितीत असतांना सहजपणे घडणाऱ्या क्रिया न करता येणे यास बेशुद्धी म्हणतात.

जलद गतीने अन्न गिळणे.

महाभारतात शाप, माशाने अंगठी गिळणे, वगैरे काही नाही.

appropriation's Usage Examples:

, and Japan tension heating up, appropriations for operation and maintenance of the base fell short.

call to arms for all artists to reject the laws governing appropriation, obliterate the boundaries between fiction and nonfiction, and give rise to a new.

for misappropriation that takes place outside the United States, and any person can be liable as long as an act in furtherance of the misappropriation takes.

omnibus negotiating process takes place later in the year, and involves reconciling differences in the various bills so that an identical, combined appropriations.

The fiscal 1965 supplemental appropriations bill (HR 12633–PL 88-635) provided "700,000 to start the Commission's studies.

History 19th century The development of the original lighthouse began in June 1834 with the appropriation of "6,000 from Congress.

Twelve days later, the Southeast Business Men's Association formed a committee to lobby the District Commissioners for a "750,000 appropriation to build a new bridge.

For some members of the South-Asian community, the wearing of a bindi dot as a decorative item by a non-Hindu can be seen as cultural appropriation.

him from the same debtor on distinct accounts, the general law as to the appropriation of payments made by the debtor is that the debtor is entitled to apply.

No appropriation of funds was made in 1901 and in 1902 "45,000 was appropriated.

That Nabisco had invested in the shredded wheat product did not give it control over the use of the pillow shape (or the term SHREDDED WHEAT); it had no property right against misappropriation of the shape after the expiry of the patents.

privacy and personality rights protection, the adoption of rules on patrimonies by appropriation (analogous to, but conceptually different from, the.

An appropriation of "75,000 was granted for the project, with Ware's half-brother, Carl Reeve, traveling around the U.


pork, pork barrel, money,


disapproval, integration, forfeit, derequisition,

appropriation's Meaning in Other Sites