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uredia Meaning in Telugu ( uredia తెలుగు అంటే)

యురేడియా, యురేమియా



uredia తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

ఇతర కారణాలు గర్భధారణ, యురేమియా, కుంచించుకుపోతున్న గర్భాశయం వలన ప్రక్కనే ఉన్న అవయవాలపై ఒత్తిడి, మానసిక ఒత్తిడి, ఆహారంలో పొరపాట్లు, వాతావరణం మరియు అంటువ్యాధుల ప్రభావాలు.

uredia's Usage Examples:

the aeciospores penetrate the grass, leading to the production of uredia.

The uredia develop underneath the epidermis where the leaf spots are present.

During the summer months, reddish-brown, blister-like pustules (uredia) develop.

spores can either reinfect grasses by spreading uredospores that become uredia which leads to more uredospores and a likely epidemic; or they can become.

yellow swelling over several centimeters, as well as Populus alba, causing uredia and telia on leaves from spring until autumn.

pustules (uredia) develop about two weeks later.

When the uredia become big enough, they break.

The spores can either reinfect grasses by spreading uredospores that become uredia which leads to more.

The uredia produce urediniospores capable of infecting more grass plants.

and the fungus quickly develops uredia in less than a few weeks.

From these, aecidiospores are dispersed, which, after germination, form uredia on infected host tissue”.

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