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uredo Meaning in Telugu ( uredo తెలుగు అంటే)

ఓవర్ చేయండి


పునరావృతం చేయడానికి, ఓవర్ చేయండి, మార్చు, మరమ్మతు, రిపేరింగ్,

uredo's Usage Examples:

Versions of both Two Tribes and War would later appear on the group's 1984 debut album Welcome to the Pleasuredome as well as numerous Frankie Goes to Hollywood and ZTT Records compilation albums.

spores can either reinfect grasses by spreading uredospores that become uredia which leads to more uredospores and a likely epidemic; or they can become.

The spores can either reinfect grasses by spreading uredospores that become uredia which leads to more.

It is music Wagner-like in form and Strauss-like in its intricate orchestration, almost unrecognised, except in foreign Culturedom.

Longevity of the uredospores, teliospores, and sporidia of Cronartium ribicola (Abstract).

gall) type urediniospore (also urediospore, uredospore) uredinium (also uredium; pl.

The uredospores released by the uredium are then able to do one of two things.

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