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uremia Meaning in Telugu ( uremia తెలుగు అంటే)


నత్రజని వ్యర్థ ఉత్పత్తులు (యూరియా) సంచితం,



uremia తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

ఇతర కారణాలు గర్భధారణ, యురేమియా, కుంచించుకుపోతున్న గర్భాశయం వలన ప్రక్కనే ఉన్న అవయవాలపై ఒత్తిడి, మానసిక ఒత్తిడి, ఆహారంలో పొరపాట్లు, వాతావరణం మరియు అంటువ్యాధుల ప్రభావాలు.

uremia's Usage Examples:

leading to reduced urine output (oliguria) and retention of waste products (uremia).

of complications, including metabolic acidosis, high potassium levels, uremia, changes in body fluid balance, and effects on other organ systems, including.

The second theory postulates that organic compounds are increased in uremia to protect the brain and result in injury by, like in the first theory,.

These symptoms can follow gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, or mucosal ulcerations at any level of the gastrointestinal tract in persons with uremia.

synesthesia (AmE) Thaddaeus Thaddæus Thaddeus toxaemia toxæmia toxemia (AmE) uraemia uræmia uremia (AmE) vertebrae vertebræ viraemia viræmia viremia (AmE) Zacchaeus.

The observed dose limiting toxic effects were aseptic meningitis and hemolytic uremia.

Uremic fetor is a urine-like odor on the breath of people with uremia.

It can lead to uremia and acute kidney injury (kidney failure) if not controlled.

including hypertension, infection/inflammation, dialysis/chronic uremia, renal failure, transplantation, applied physiology, epidemiology, pathology, immunology.

observed dose limiting toxic effects were aseptic meningitis and hemolytic uremia.

before retiring in 1958, and he died in Los Angeles ten years later from uremia.

" McGuire died of uremia in Beverly Hills, California.

advancement of modern medicine, acute kidney injury was referred to as uremic poisoning while uremia was contamination of the blood with urine.


azotemia, azotaemia, pathology, uraemia,


good health,

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