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uplinks Meaning in Telugu ( uplinks తెలుగు అంటే)

అప్‌లింక్‌లు, అప్లింక్



uplinks తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

అప్లింక్ ఉపగ్రహ డిష్ లు చాలా పెద్దవి, 9 నుండి 12 మీటర్లు (30 నుండి 40 అడుగులు) వ్యాసం కలిగి ఉంటాయి.

అప్లింక్ డిష్ ఒక నిర్దిష్ట ఉపగ్రహం వైపు చూపబడుతుంది అప్లింక్ చేయబడిన సంకేతాలు ఒక నిర్దిష్ట పౌన పున్య(frequency) పరిధిలో ప్రసారం చేయబడతాయి, తద్వారా ఆ ఉపగ్రహంలో ఆ పౌన పున్య శ్రేణికి ట్యూన్ చేయబడిన ట్రాన్స్పాండర్లలో ఒకటి అందుకుంటాయి.

చందాదారుల పరికరం యొక్క అవసరమైన అప్లింక్ / డౌన్ లింక్ డేటా రేటు .

uplinks's Usage Examples:

Rain fade is not limited to satellite uplinks or downlinks, as it can also affect terrestrial point-to-point microwave.

The 2624 model features an SFP port for fiber uplinks.

On April 7, 2020, the US crashes Copenhagen"s uplinks and sends in JSF units to rescue the trapped.

were semi-modular in design with some fixed 1G Ethernet ports and GBIC uplinks for either 1GB or 10GB.

Essential military requirements for satellite uplinks; the mobile satellite sub-band 7975-8025 MHz is for naval and land mobile.

Only downlinks from the satellite are affected, uplinks from the Earth are normally not, as the planet "shades" the Earth station.

access and aggregation switches with models for PoE+ offering 10Gb or 40Gb uplinks to the core.

option to extend it with up to four 10Gb external interfaces for uplinks or two 10Gb uplinks and two stacking ports to stack several PCM6220"s into one large.

and forward channels are distinct from, and should not be confused with, uplinks and downlinks in satellite communication systems.

These 15 strategically located uplinks located in regions throughout the country were also to provide revenue.

2 GHz (L band) uplinks and 435 MHz (UHF) and 2.

transmissions including, temporarily transferring uplinks to larger uplink antenna, deliberately off-pointing uplink antennas to put Galaxy 15 into the null, maneuvering.

The Saeghe-2 has more advanced avionics, with tele-command and telemetry uplinks and downlinks between the drone and the ground control station.



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