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uplinking Meaning in Telugu ( uplinking తెలుగు అంటే)

అప్లింక్ చేయడం, కనురెప్పను



uplinking తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

మెంబ్రేన్ నిక్టిటేటింగ్కొన్ని జంతువులలో కనిపించే మూడవ కనురెప్పను నిక్టిటేటింగ్ మెమ్బ్రేన్, ఇది కళ్ళను రక్షించి, తేమగా ఉంచుతుంది , దృష్టికి సహాయపడుతుంది.

ద్వంద్వ దృష్టి, వేలాడే కనురెప్పను, అతిశోధనం, ఏ ప్రభావం లేకపోవడం వంటివి సాధారణ దుష్ప్రభావాలుగా ఉన్నాయి.

uplinking's Usage Examples:

and Asianet Plus, and is the private television channel which has an uplinking facility in the city.

services that include video graphics, editing, studio production, satellite uplinking, and fiber transmission.

located next to a coaxial cable TV connector to converge low speed data uplinking with high speed downloading interactive communications.

StarFire network uses twenty-five stations worldwide, calculating and uplinking data from the US stations as before.

RF RF satellite uplinking – High-powered amplifiers (HPA) RF communications satellite downlinking.

developed and distributed digital set-top boxes, provided satellite uplinking and broadcast services and developed and supported streaming video technology.

75 GHz and uplinking from 14.

Production and uplinking facilities for RFD-TV are located at 49 Music Square West, Music Row in.

Eurosport which was challenged by Lex Sportel as the one who made the uplinking license deal of the channel.

The company has tied up with Tata Communications for providing the uplinking facilities.

Coös and Carroll counties are part of the Portland, Maine, market and thus had WMTW as their ABC affiliate, while Grafton and Sullivan counties are part of the Burlington–Plattsburgh market and hence received ABC programming from WVNY; these areas had no source of in-state news until WMUR's uplinking.

IRS-1C used S-band for broadcasting and X-band for uplinking of data.

present as the network is also known as the Texas Rangers Radio Network, uplinking both home and road broadcasts for the Major League Baseball team to affiliates.

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