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uplock Meaning in Telugu ( uplock తెలుగు అంటే)

అప్లాక్, అన్లాక్


అన్లాక్, విప్పు, తెరవడానికి,

uplock తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

తర్వాతి ఏజ్‌కు చేరుకోవడం వల్ల కొత్త యూనిట్లు, నిర్మాణాలు, సాంకేతికతలు అన్లాక్ అవుతూ ఉంటాయి.

uplock's Usage Examples:

It was later determined that the pilots failed to release the uplock lever with the necessary pressure for the landing gear to release.

Here he discovered that the gear uplock/unlocking mechanism was jammed so he came on in gear-up for a clean belly.

casket of Heav"n"s richest store, And here though grief my feeble hands uplock, Yet on the softened quarry would I score My plaining verse as lively as.

grief my feeble hands uplock, Yet on the softened quarry would I score My plaining verse as lively as before For sure so well instructed are my tears, That.

Uplock release mechanism: Releases azimuth ring uplock, allowing missile recapture.

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