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podges Meaning in Telugu ( podges తెలుగు అంటే)

పోడ్జెస్, నాట మరియు కొవ్వు


నాట మరియు కొవ్వు, మనిషిని వంచు,

podges's Usage Examples:

changes so thoroughly they ended up playing "avant-garde twelve-tone hodgepodges" of "Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic" and "Don"t Stand So Close.

Branches, Mary Cole does not call for mixed meats, but gives recipes for hodge podges based on either beef, mutton, veal, hare or turtle, with onions and a variety.

The father—known as "the Man Upstairs"—chastises his son for creating hodgepodges of different playsets, and proceeds to permanently glue his perceived.

and officers up to and including battalion commanders, and many were hodgepodges of troopers from different units.

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