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podia Meaning in Telugu ( podia తెలుగు అంటే)

పోడియా, సోడా నీళ్ళు


సోడా నీళ్ళు, మర్డర్, సోడా,

podia తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

బజ్జీ, బోండా, పంచదార చిలకలు, చక్కర తో చేసిన కొన్ని మిఠాయిలు, రంగు రంగు సోడా నీళ్ళు అమ్ముతారు.

podia's Usage Examples:

Microsoroideae is a subfamily in the fern family Polypodiaceae in the Pteridophyte Phylogeny Group classification of 2016 (PPG I).

Epidendrum serpens is a sympodial pseudobulbous orchid that grows among lichens on trees near the tree line at altitudes of 1.

Similarly, some evidential material of interest to forensic podiatrists is also of interest to other forensic.

DescriptionThis genus as a rule lacks pseudobulbs and consequently produces tufted fan-like growths of fairly erect narrow leaves, and conforms to the sympodial method of growth.

Many general podiatrists in Australia.

These worms usually have few setae (chaetae) or "bristles" on their outer body surfaces, and lack parapodia, unlike.

Chiropodists and podiatrists are regulated by the College of Chiropodists of Ontario, which had 594 chiropodists and.

Platycerioideae is a small subfamily of the fern family Polypodiaceae in the Pteridophyte Phylogeny Group classification of 2016 (PPG I).

Upon binding, outside-in signalling triggers actin polymerisation and pseudopodia formation, which surrounds and fuses behind the microorganism.

may also be regarded as lobopodians, eventually referred as "gilled lobopodians" or "gilled lobopod".

organs can grow according to two different schemes, namely monopodial or racemose and sympodial or cymose.

Grammitidoideae is a subfamily of the fern family Polypodiaceae, whose members are informally known as grammitids.


pulpit, platform, soapbox, dais, ambo, stump, rostrum,



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