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podocarp Meaning in Telugu ( podocarp తెలుగు అంటే)


పాడొర్పస్ యొక్క దక్షిణ అర్ధగోళంలో ఏ సతత హరితలో ఒక దృఢమైన విత్తనంతో ఒక రగ్ పండు ఉంది.,

podocarp's Usage Examples:

It does not have any common English name; cloud podocarp' (a translation of the scientific name); male maniu (a literal translation from the most common name in Chile), Chilean podocarp, and Chilean totara have been suggested, but are little used.

Much of the forest cover is beech/podocarp with understory of a variety of ferns and shrubs; crown fern (Lomaria discolor).

creeping strawberry pine, is a species of dioecious conifer belonging to the podocarp family (Podocarpaceae).

rotting logs of a variety of trees including tawa, Dracophyllum, pōhutukawa, manoao (silver pine), and red beech, as well as in podocarp forest.

occurrence being in North Island"s Hamilton Ecological District in a Nothofagus-podocarp forest in association with other fern species understory plants, crown.

country in these areas, beneath podocarps such as kahikatea, matai, miro and rimu.

Podocarpus totara (from the Maori-language tōtara; the spelling "totara" is also common in English) is a species of podocarp tree endemic to New Zealand.

It is present in the red and silver beech forests admixed with rimu and miro podocarps on northern South Island.

Acmopyle is a genus of conifers belonging to the podocarp family, Podocarpaceae.

Large parts of the park remain covered in native podocarp forest featuring rimu, totara, kahikatea, matai (Prumnopitys taxifolia).

Actaea podocarpa, the mountain bugbane or mountain black-cohosh, is a species of flowering plant in the buttercup family.

the Rangitata River, 3 kilometres (2 mi) from Peel Forest, an extensive podocarp forest with abundant birdlife.

threatened mammals Actaea podocarpa American bugbane endangered endangered plants Actaea racemosa False bugbane endangered endangered plants Actaea rubifolia.

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