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ablatives Meaning in Telugu ( ablatives తెలుగు అంటే)

అబ్లేటివ్స్, పంచమి ఇన్ఫెక్షన్

కేసు లేదా వాయిద్యం లేదా వాయిద్యం లేదా చర్య ద్వారా వివరించిన పరికరం లేదా వాయిద్యం సూచిస్తుంది,


పంచమి ఇన్ఫెక్షన్,

ablatives's Usage Examples:

Klimont Hill, place of worship dedicated to Slavic god Perun, (modern ablatives Piorun, Pieron – meaning Thunderbolt) was located.

possessives, cases, affixes, ideas, locatives, instrumentals, simulatives, ablatives, and demonstratives.

Final /d/ occurred in ablatives, such as puellād "from the girl" or campōd "from the field", later puellā.

the OKY pronouns are reconstructed as follows: The accusatives, the ablatives and imitatives underwent optional final vowel deletion, while the ergatives.

These include allatives, ablatives, areals and punctuals, with some examples listed below.

modern dialects, the OKY pronouns are reconstructed as follows: The accusatives, the ablatives and imitatives underwent optional final vowel deletion.

No active movement from one location to the next occurs; furthermore, ablatives of separation sometimes lack a preposition, particularly with certain.




additive, divergent,

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