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ablative case Meaning in Telugu ( ablative case తెలుగు అంటే)

అబ్లేటివ్ కేసు, పంచమి ఇన్ఫెక్షన్ కేసు


పంచమి ఇన్ఫెక్షన్ కేసు,

ablative case's Usage Examples:

is a mnemonic used in remembering which Latin prepositions take the ablative case.

The ablative case emerged in Latvian under the circumstances.

the preceding suffix: for example, the ablative case of evler is evlerden "from the houses" but, the ablative case of başlar "heads" is başlardan "from.

karaṇavibhakti) dative case (ಸಂಪ್ರದಾನವಿಭಕ್ತಿ - sampradānavibhakti) ablative case (ಅಪಾದಾನವಿಭಕ್ತಿ - apādānavibhakti) genitive case (ಸಂಬಂಧವಿಭಕ್ತಿ - saṃbandhavibhakti).

 "from the beginning", from ablative case of initium "entrance.

The object is marked with the modal ablative case (MABL) and the instrumental adjunct by the instrumental (INST), and.

For example, the ablative case of obalar is obalardan "from the villages" but the ablative case of itler "dogs" is itlerden "from the.

preceding suffix: for example, the ablative case of obalar is obalardan "from the villages" but, the ablative case of itler "dogs" is itlerden "from the.

the subject of transitive verbs, and the oblique II case is used as ablative case.

In grammar, the ablative case (pronounced /ˈæblətɪv/; sometimes abbreviated abl) is a grammatical case for nouns, pronouns, and adjectives in the grammars.

(ಕರ್ಮವಿಭಕ್ತಿ - karmavibhakti) instrumental case (ಕರಣವಿಭಕ್ತಿ - karaṇavibhakti) dative case (ಸಂಪ್ರದಾನವಿಭಕ್ತಿ - sampradānavibhakti) ablative case (ಅಪಾದಾನವಿಭಕ್ತಿ -.

asataḥ — "from falsehood"; ablative case of asat "falsehood", from a (negation) + sat "truth"; becomes asato.

 "from the beginning", from ablative case of initium "entrance, beginning", related to verb inire "to go into.


clip, example, happening, humiliation, natural event, time, instance, occurrence, bit, occurrent, mortification, piece,


disassemble, disjoin, black, white, break,

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