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able bodied Meaning in Telugu ( able bodied తెలుగు అంటే)

సమర్ధుడు, సామర్థ్యం కలిగిన శరీరం

able bodied's Usage Examples:

The Islamic holy day "Eid al-Adha is celebrated in memory of the sacrifice of Abraham, and each able bodied Muslim is supposed to perform the pilgrimage.

Hoover helped erect barricades and formed a protective force of the able bodied men.

medals in Beijing and London and has also won medals shooting in the able bodied category including the Commonwealth Games.

The smallpox epidemic caused not only infection to the Mexica peoples, but it weakened able bodied people who could no longer grow and harvest their crops, which in turn led to mass famine and death from malnutrition.


able, fit,


unfit, inability, unable,

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