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undistinguished Meaning in Tamil ( undistinguished வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

புகழ் பெற்றிராத

undistinguished's Usage Examples:

1320-1380), constable of France, the most famous French warrior of his age, was born of an ancient but undistinguished family at the castle of La MotteBroons (Dinan).

A very happy married life at home contented him, and at the opening of the Free Trade hall in January 1840 he sat with the Rochdale deputation, undistinguished in the body of the meeting.

2 The theological school of the patriarchate, at Halke, is not undistinguished, and the university of Athens has a good record.

notability man of 75 made all the other notabilities at once appear not only undistinguished but unreal.

In his twentieth year he matriculated at the university of Seville, but his career as a student was undistinguished.

The emperor Zeno enacted that no one could become patricius who had not been praejectus militum, consul or magister militum, but less careful emperors gave the title to their favourites, however young and undistinguished.

In 1842 he became an undistinguished but useful successor to Arnold as headmaster of Rugby; and a serious illness in 1848, the first of many, led him to welcome the comparative leisure which followed upon his appointment to the deanery of Carlisle in 1849.

All these personages were undistinguished figures beyond whom might be discerned the cold clear-cut profile of Marie de Medicis secretary, now a cardinal, who was to take the helm and act as viceroy during eighteen years.

Besides these the group also includes a multitude of related forms which, from their aquatic habits and generally inconspicuous size, and from the fact that they are commonly neither edible nor noxious, are little known except to naturalists and are undistinguished by any popular names.

(Argyrus), emperor 1028-1034, was an undistinguished Byzantine patrician, who was compelled by the dying emperor Constantine IX.

He came of an intellectual stock, his grandfather and father having both been physicians of eminence and professors of one or other of the branches of medical science; his mother too belonged to a family not undistinguished in intellectual power.


unnoticeable, insignificant,


significant, meaningful, noticeable,

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