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undivided Meaning in Tamil ( undivided வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



undivided தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

பகுக்கப்படாத இயல்பையுடைய சொற்கள் பகாப்பதம் ஆகும்.

தொல்லியல் துறையால் பகுக்கப்படாத புதைபடிமங்கள் உள்ள பகுதி.

undivided's Usage Examples:

, boldly repudiating papal infallibility and interference in public affairs, and affirming undivided allegiance to the crown.

You may resist the newest social networking crazes until they really catch on, and in that case, you could be asking, "What is Twitter and how does it work?"Remember the Furby and Tickle Me Elmo crazes?Kid crazes Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh are also a part of the morning lineup, both surefire winners to hold kids' undivided attention for a good hour alone.

Its adoption was due to the king himself, who was anxious to give expression to the fact that he was sovereign of the undivided island, and not only of England or Scotland.

"Forthwith begins the one undivided kingdom of God in heaven and on earth.

The Convention resolved to bring the war to an end before October, and placed the troops under the undivided command, first of Jean Lechelle and then of Louis Turreau, who had as subordinates such men as Marceau, Kleber and Westermann.

in all men, there is one undivided form or essence, e.

Right now Jonathan needed their undivided support.

The English reformers realized this fact; and notwithstanding their insistence on the unique authority of the canon of Scripture, their appeal to the fathers as representatives of the teaching of the undivided Church was as wholehearted as that of the Tridentine divines.

5 a curves somewhat forward and again divides at least once; while the hind prong is of great length undivided, and directed backwards in a manner found in no other deer.

There is, besides, a powerful determining cause in the uniform character and undivided extent of its dry interior.

This lasted for several minutes; then this mood passed, and Nancy was thrown ruthlessly on the floor and pushed to one side, while a large, pink-cheeked, fuzzy-haired member of the family received the little mother's undivided attention.




multiple, fractional,

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