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undistinguishable Meaning in Tamil ( undistinguishable வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

வேறுபிரித்தறிய முடியாத

undistinguishable's Usage Examples:

air may be ignored as insensible, and the actual velocity and its horizontal component, or component parallel to the line of sight, are undistinguishable.

It was joined to Texel by a sand-dike in 1629-1630, and is now undistinguishable from the main island.

There is no proof of their having lived in the Oligocene epoch, but in deposits of Miocene and Pliocene date remains undistinguishable generically and perhaps specifically from the modern tapirs (though named priscus, T.

In direct fire the pseudo-velocities U and u, and the real velocities V and v, are undistinguishable, and sec n may be replaced by unity so that, putting y o in (79), (88) tan 4) C [I (V) - y-s] Also (89) tan 4 - tan SC [I(V) - L(v)] so that (9 °) tan 1 3C [1 -s.

The French battalion rushes to the bridgehead, spikes the guns, and the bridge is taken!It is by this time mere vegetable mould and undistinguishable pond shore, through which rushes and flags have pushed up.

Reimarus was wholly undistinguishable from dogmatic deism, and was undoubtedly to a great extent adopted by Lessing; while, in the case of the historico-critical school to which J.

The thrills of joy and thrills of pain are undistinguishable.

Ostriches, undistinguishable from Struthio, have been found in Samos and in the Sivalik Hills.

For some purposes it is preferable to retain the circular measure, i radians, as being undistinguishable from sin i and tan i when i is small as in direct fire.

Leaf spots contained scattered black, undistinguishable stromata with conidiophores that were similar on all hosts.

The litter cabinet is typically a sturdily designed piece of furniture that, when well-crafted, looks pleasant within the home and remains virtually undistinguishable from ordinary furniture.

w /nd2 C, (16) S(V) - S(v) for cos i to be undistinguishable from unity, equation (16) becomes In a problem of direct fire, where the trajectory is flat enough (19) v(di/dtg, or di/dtg/v; so that we can put (20) Ai/ At.

In direct fire the pseudo-velocities U and u, and the real velocities V and v, are undistinguishable, and sec n may be replaced by unity so that, putting y o in (79), (88) tan 4) C [I (V) - y-s] Also (89) tan 4 - tan SC [I(V) - L(v)] so that (9 °) tan 1 3C [1 -s.




distinguishable, different,

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