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undistorted Meaning in Tamil ( undistorted வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



undistorted தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

ஆனால் தமிழ் வாசகருக்கு அந்நியப்படாமலும், தீவிரம் சிதைக்கப்படாமலும் அப்புனைவுகள் படைக்கப்பட்டிருக்கின்றன.

undistorted's Usage Examples:

41-104) that we have a true image of the average sensual frivolous life of Rome at the end of the 1st century, seen through a medium of wit and humour, but undistorted by the exaggeration which moral indignation and the love of effect add to the representation of Juvenal.

showed that, if the large mirror were a segment of a paraboloid of revolution whose focus is F, and the small mirror an ellipsoid of revolution whose foci are F and P respectively, the resulting image will be plane and undistorted.

, this radius, if the curve were undistorted, 1, FIG.

Forgotten Ohio has an original, undistorted photograph of the infamous stain.

Vistana's Polare® lens system features Dynamic Base Lens Technology, which allows us to eliminate the side shields associated with traditional OveRx products, while maintaining a full range of undistorted peripheral vision.


ingenuous, artless,


sophisticated, insincere, disingenuous,

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