<< underlaid underlains >>

underlain Meaning in Tamil ( underlain வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கொள்கை முதலானவற்றில் அடிப்படையாக அமை,

underlain's Usage Examples:

, at which depth it is underlain by a series of coarse and fine yellow quartz sands, with occasional pebbles, or even banks of gravel, while here and there thin beds of clay occur.

They are underlain by Jurassic rocks, from beneath which sandstones and shales yielding Glossopteris browniana var.

This idea, which has underlain all Christian philosophy of history, from the first apologists who prophesied the fall of the Empire and the coming of the millennium, down to our own day, received its classic statement in St Augustine's City of God.

underlielogical Potential Of Turkey About one third of Turkey is underlain by carbonate rocks.

Speleological Potential Of Turkey About one third of Turkey is underlain by carbonate rocks.

This forms part of the plain of the St Lawrence, underlain by Palaeozoic limestones and shales, with some sandstone, all furnishing useful building material and working up into a good soil.

The whole region is underlain by nearly horizontal and undisturbed rocks of the Palaeozoic from the Devonian downward.

in height; beneath these is a mass of coarse black amygdaloid, of the same thickness, underlain by a second range of basaltic pillars, from 40 to 50 ft.

Below the cretaceous Tertiary escarpment, the low ground is underlain by soft sedimentary rocks of the Triassic Mercia Mudstone Group.

The town is built on high ground underlain by solid limestone, and has much natural and architectural beauty.




be well, change,

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