underlay Meaning in Tamil ( underlay வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)
அடி ஆதாரம்
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underlay's Usage Examples:
The identity, the absolute, which underlay all difference, all the relative, is to be characterized simply as neutrum, as absolute undifferentiated self-equivalence.
He managed also to hear Blackstone's lectures at Oxford, but says that he immediately detected the fallacies which underlay the rounded periods of the future judge.
To the high conception of Italian nationality, to the belief in that spiritual unity which underlay her many discords and divisions, Petrarch attained partly through his disengagement from civic and local partisanship, partly through his large and liberal ideal of culture.
Mark a 120 x 180mm wide rectangle on the underlay directly below the tile batten where the vent is to be fixed.
Henry's egotism was profound, and personal motives underlay his public action.
Many consumers compare quotes for the total installation costs of carpet and accessories, including underlay and gripper, before making a decision.
"The fundamental conception that underlay all Berthelot's chemical work was that all chemical phenomena depend on the action of physical forces which can be determined and measured.
For all ground floor installations including both concrete and timber floorboard subfloors use the Richard Burbidge Polythene underlay and Richard Burbidge Connect foam underlay.
Here too it is essential that the preliminary underlaying be done with extreme care if good work is desired.
Beneath the ancient Greek version, the Septuagint, there certainly underlay an earlier form of the Hebrew text than that perpetuated by Jewish tradition, and if Christian scholars could have worked through the version to the underlying Hebrew text, they would often have come nearer to the original meaning than their Jewish contemporaries.
The reactionary policy thus indicated gave the impression that a similar aim underlay the appointment about the same date of a commission to inquire into Biblical studies; and in other minor matters Leo XIII.
Music which best underlays the text - supporting what is being proclaimed - that is the best sacred music.
But the same persistent idea underlay all his efforts.
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