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underlaid Meaning in Tamil ( underlaid வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


குறைவான சம்பளம் பெறும்,

underlaid's Usage Examples:

Carolina on a loose porous sand, which must be at least a foot deep, and contains usually about 8% of clay; this sand is underlaid by a clay subsoil, and, as Mr Milton Whitney points out in Tobacco Soils (U.

The tundra is a coastal plain, swampy and covered with undergrowth and underlaid by gravel.

The superficial Miocene and Pliocene deposits in the west, above referred to, are underlaid by the White river groups of the Oligocene, whose outcrops of Brule clay and Chadron formation also have been mentioned.

Manitoulin Island and the Saugeen Peninsula are comparatively flat and underlaid by a level bed of Trenton limestone.

These prairies are traversed by ridges, which facilitate irrigation, and are underlaid by an impervious subsoil, which facilitates both effective storage and drainage.

The plains, except in the south-east corner, are underlaid by sheets of water-bearing sandstone, which carry a volume of water under such pressure that in the valleys of the James river and the Missouri river and its western tributaries a strong surface flow may be obtained from artesian wells.

A broad stretch of country underlaid by nearly horizontal strata extends westward from the 97th meridian to the base of the Rocky Mountains, a distance of from 300 to 500 in.

The prevailing type of soil on the higher lands is a sandy loam, underlaid with clay or clay loam, which stores water and is the typical soil of the basins.

Cutch and Kathiawar they are underlaid by Jurassic and Neocomian beds.

West of Cracow the Cretaceous beds are underlaid by Jurassic and Triassic deposits, the general dip being eastward.


carpet pad, underlayment, pad, underfelt, rug pad,


deglycerolize, disarrange, divest, disorganize, disorganise,

underlaid's Meaning in Other Sites