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underlie Meaning in Tamil ( underlie வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கொள்கை முதலானவற்றில் அடிப்படையாக அமை,

underlie's Usage Examples:

"The fifth temple, that of Venus Pompeiana, lay to the west of the basilica; traces of two earlier periods underlie the extant temple, which was in progress of rebuilding at the time of the eruption.

Cheyne involves the view that a history dealing with the south actually underlies our sources and can be recovered by emendation of the text.

We shall first give the general principles which underlie the methods for the dry extraction of copper, and then proceed to a more detailed discussion of the plant used.

On the other hand, he has no claim to rank as a critical historian; he has no conception of the philosophy of history, no insight into the real causes that underlie political changes, no power of penetrating below the surface, or even of grasping the real interconnexion of the events which he describes.

On the other hand, serious difficulties arise if we assume that every animal sacrificed represents a deity; and even assuming that such a belief underlies the rite of animal sacrifice, a modification of the belief must have been introduced when such sacrifices became a common rite resorted to on every occasion when a deity was to be approached.

During and since the deposition of the rocks that underlie them the tract has been the scene of repeated terrestrial disturbances.

The modifications, however, are all in a more spiritual direction, in keeping with the genuinely evangelic spirit which underlies and pervades even the allegorical ingenuities of the epistle.

underlielogical Potential Of Turkey About one third of Turkey is underlain by carbonate rocks.

The " Logic " of Hegel is merely the continuation of Kant's " Deduction " of the categories and ideas of the reason which has generally been recognized as the soberest of attempts to set forth the presuppositions which underlie all experience.

Bunter, Permian, and Coal Measure strata have been revealed by boring to underlie the Keuper near Haxey.

The law of reciprocal proportion, of which some examples have been already given, is part of a larger law of equivalence that underlies most of our chemical methods and calculations.

Vulcans often claim that they have no emotions, being creatures of pure rationality, but that is, of course, impossible, rational thought being an evolutionary offshoot of emotions, which underlie thought.




be well, change,

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