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undergrowth Meaning in Tamil ( undergrowth வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


பெரு மரங்களுக்கு அடியில் வளரும் புதர்கள்,

undergrowth தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


undergrowth's Usage Examples:

A lizard rustles in the undergrowth around the rim of the massive crater.

The Tiergarten, the beautiful west-end park with its thickets of dense undergrowth and winding lanes and lakes has lost somewhat of its sylvan character owing to building encroachments on the north side and the laying out of new rides and drives.

Either alone or in groups they have a fine effect, as an undergrowth to trees in the pleasure garden or in the shadier parts of the garden, and are evergreen.

He screeched at the creature ultrasonically, which rotated through 180 degrees and skittered back into the undergrowth making frightened, low pitched rumblings.

The Puget Sound Basin and the neighbouring slopes of the Cascade and Olympic Mountains are noted for their forests, consisting mainly of giant Douglas fir or Oregon pine (Pseudotsuga Douglasii), but containing also some cedar, spruce and hemlock, a smaller representation of a few other species and a dense undergrowth.

The state was originally covered with a dense forest mostly of hardwood timber, and although the merchantable portion of this has been practically all cut away, there are still undergrowths of young timber and a great variety of trees.

A thousand times during that half-hour Rostov cast eager and restless glances over the edge of the wood, with the two scraggy oaks rising above the aspen undergrowth and the gully with its water-worn side and "Uncle's" cap just visible above the bush on his right.

crawled through thick undergrowth to feed a kinky hosepipe into the pond.

The tundra is a coastal plain, swampy and covered with undergrowth and underlaid by gravel.

in height, form a luxuriant undergrowth in the ohia-lehua and the koa forests, and the islands are noted for the profusion and beautiful colours of their flowering plants.

The word is the same as "scrub," low, stunted undergrowth, in O.

myrtillus) and the arctic bramble (Rubus arcticus) extend very far northward; raspberries and red and black currants form a luxuriant undergrowth in the forests, together with Ribes dikusha in East Siberia.


copse, woods, wood, forest, brush, underbrush, ground cover, groundcover, coppice, underwood, thicket, brushwood,


uncover, dirty, stand still, fauna,

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