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ileus Meaning in Tamil ( ileus வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


குடல் அசைவிழப்பு,

ileus தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

பின்னர் வாந்தியெடுத்தல், குடல் அசைவிழப்பு, குடல் காற்றேற்றம் இல்லாமை மற்றும் அசுத்தங்களை நீக்க இயலாமை போன்றவை ஏற்படும்.

வாத குடல் அசைவிழப்பு அல்லது குடலடைப்பு.

ileus's Usage Examples:

In gallstone colonic ileus, which is a rare condition, 17,18 there may be a pre-existing narrowing in the colon causing intestinal obstruction.

The change was clearly effected by the devolution of the military and civil powers of the king to the polemarch and the archon, while the archon basileus (or king) retained control of state religion.

After his return to his native country Houdon executed for the king of Prussia, as a companion to a statue of Summer, La Frileuse, a naif embodiment of shivering cold, which is one of his best as well as one of his best-known works.

A "map" of the spores should be taken by separating a pileus and placing it flat on a piece of thin paper for a few hours when the spores will fall and leave a nature print of the arrangement of the gills which may be fixed by gumming the other side of the paper.

meningitis and/or septicaemia!Several conditions can cause ileus such as peritonitis, septicaemia or recent cord compression.

Click here for answer This is gall stone ileus, a large pigmented stone having impacted in the mid ileum.

"In his charters he is continually called "rex totius Britanniae," and he adopts for the first time the Greek title basileus.

BOLETUS, a well-marked genus of fungi (order Polyporeae), characterized by the central stem, the cap or pileus, the soft, fleshy tissue, and the vertical, closely-packed tubes or pores which cover the under surface of the pileus and are easily detachable.

C, Longitudinal section of mature v, Remains of volva or velum p, The pileus.

In these cases the compound sporophore is often termed the hymenophore, and its various parts demand special names (pileus, stipes, gills, po--es, 'c.

At the outset there was little to distinguish the biretum from the pileus or pileolus (skull-cap), a non-liturgical cap worn by dignitaries of the Church under the mitre and even under the biretta.

Narcotics and certain chemotherapy drugs, such as vinblastine (Velban, Velsar) and vincristine (Oncovin, Vincasar PES, Vincrex) can also cause ileus.

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