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ilex Meaning in Tamil ( ilex வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


ilex தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

ஐலெக்ஸ் ரோட்டுண்டா (救必应).

ilex's Usage Examples:

The characteristic cypress, ilex and stone-pine, however, are native trees, the last-named flourishing especially near the coast.

When undisturbed by cultivation, the myrtle, arbutus, bay and ilex form a rich brushwood and the minor flora of the island is extensive.

Heu mihi Heu mihi Domine quia peccavi nimis, in vita mea: quid faciam miser?Albert adorned the Stiftskirche at Halle and the cathedral at Mainz in sumptuous fashion, and took as his motto the words Domine, dilexi decorem domus tuae.

The soil is very fertile; wheat, Indian corn, olives, vines, fruit trees of many kinds cover both the plain and the surrounding hills; the chief non-fruit-bearing trees are the stone pine, the cypress, the ilex and the poplar, while many other varieties are represented.

- Fetishism - the belief in the magic or divine power of inanimate objects - is seen in the cult of stones, such as the silex of Jupiter (Iuppiter), which plays a prominent part in the ceremonial of treaty-making, and the lapis used in the ritual of the aquaelicium, a process, probably magic in origin, designed to produce rain after a long drought.

The great mass of the vegetation, however, is of the low-growing type (maquis or garrigue of the western Mediterranean), with small and stiff leaves, and frequently thorny and aromatic, as for example the ilex (Quercus coccifera), Smilax, Cistus, Lentiscus, Calycotome, 'c.

Elms, limes and poplars are common north of the Tagus, ilexes, araucarias, myrtles, magnolias and a great variety of conifers in all parts.

Three years later, however, the whole road was paved with silex from the temple to Bovillae, and in 191 B.

The ilex, also known as the "holm oak" from its resemblance to the holly, abounds in all the Mediterranean countries, showing a partiality for the sea air.

The woods consist chiefly of pine and hazel upon theApennines, and upon the Calabrian, Sicilian and Sardinian mountains of oak, ilex, hornbeam and similar trees.

The discovery of boron by Gay Lussac and Davy in 1809 led Berzelius to investigate silica (silex).

Under Nerva and Trajan the road was repaired; one inscription records expressly the paving with silex (replacing the former gravelling) of the section from Tripontium, 4 m.

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