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iliac Meaning in Tamil ( iliac வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


இடுப்பெலும்புப் பகுதி சார்ந்த,

iliac's Usage Examples:

sacroiliac joint injection may help in localizing the source of the pain.

In rare cases, a hemophiliac father and a carrier mother can pass on the right combination of parental chromosomes to result in a hemophiliac female child.

Because the skull has no room for expansion, the hemophiliac is at risk for brain damage due to blood taking up space and exerting pressure on the delicate brain tissue.

ASPHODEL (Asphodelus), a genus of the lily order (Liliaceae), containing seven species in the Mediterranean region.

Hemophiliacs should also avoid medications or drugs that promote bleeding; aspirin is one such medication and many prescription drugs have anticoagulant properties.

Labiate plants have decussate leaves, while Boragin aceae have alternate leaves, and Tiliaceae usua ally have distichous leaves; Rubiaceae have opposite leaves.

-Two very distinct orders of heterosporous Filicales, the Salviniaceae and the Marsiliaceae, are included in this group.

The genus, which gives the name to the natural order Tiliaceae, contains about ten species of trees, natives of the north temperate zone.

Posterior superior iliac spine Ureter Great sciatic notch Vas deferens; Spine of ischium Vas deferens Seminal vesicle Bladder wall Levator ani Prostate 9, ?Levator brachii muscle.

Handsome liliaceous plants, with fleshy roots, erect stems, and showy flowers, thriving in any good garden soil.

Liliaceous flowers are abundant, including Erythoniums, Trilliums, Alliums, Brodeaeas, Fritillarias, Siliums, Camassias and others.

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