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ilia Meaning in Tamil ( ilia வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



ilia தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

புடைதாங்கி மற்றும் முதுகுத்தண்டு சமிப்பாட்டுத்தொகுதி, சிறுநீர்/இனப்பெருக்கத்தொகுதி அவயங்களையும் இடுப்பையும் காக்கின்றன.

இடுப்பெலும்பானது ஆரம்பத்தில், பூப்படைவதற்கு முன்னர் புடைதாங்கி (ilium), நாரியம் (ischium), பூப்பென்பு (pubic bone) என்ற மூன்று எலும்புகளால் ஆக்கப்பட்டிருக்கும்.

4) இடுப்பெலும்பு (2 எலும்புகள்) - இடது, வலது இடுப்பெலும்பு (2) (புடைதாங்கி).

இந்த எலும்பானது ஆரம்பத்தில், பூப்படைவதற்கு முன்னர் புடைதாங்கி (ilium), நாரியம் (ischium), பூப்பென்பு (pubic bone) என்ற மூன்று எலும்புகளால் ஆக்கப்பட்டிருக்கும்.

இடது கீழ் இதயவறையில் இருந்து ஆரம்பித்து வயிறு வரை நீண்டு, பின்னர் முடிவடையும் இடத்தில் இரு கிளைகளாகப் பிரிந்து பொதுப் புடைதாங்கி நாடியாகச் (common iliac artery) செல்லுகின்றது.

ilia's Usage Examples:

Humiliating to human nature in general as are the annals of the 18th-century campaigns in Europe, there is no point of view from which they appear in a light so tragi-comic as from that afforded by Italian history.

The provocative and unusual setting served only to whet the appetite; it was the introduction of frontal nudity to Brazilian television that made this series stands out in local ratings.

CRUSTACEA, a very large division of the animal kingdom, comprising the familiar crabs, lobsters, crayfish, shrimps and prawns, the sandhoppers and woodlice, the strangely modified barnacles and the minute water-fleas.

Although he was on familiar terms with the dauphin (afterwards Louis XI.

He came every day to the Rostovs', but did not behave to Natasha as an affianced lover: he did not use the familiar thou, but said you to her, and kissed only her hand.

You may be familiar with woven Jacquard, Belgian, Florets, Lily of the Valley, English Ivy, Chantilly and other laces.

Many people are familiar with the Airedale Terrier, and it's fair to say that the Welsh looks remarkably similar, although it comes in a smaller package.

Among his books may be mentioned Mogreb-elAcksa: a Journey in Morocco (1898); The Ipane (1899); A Vanished Arcadia (1901); Faith (1909); Hope (1910); Charity (1912); A Life of Bernal Diaz del Castillo (1915); A Brazilian Mystic (1920); Cartagena and the Books of the Sinu (1920).

That he had a competent acquaintance with Greek is manifest from his translations of Dionysius the Areopagite and of Maximus, from the manner in which he refers to Aristotle, and from his evident familiarity with Neoplatonist writers and the fathers of the early church.

Known as the most extreme form of heat rash, miliaria profunda is flesh colored and extremely itchy and painful, some liken the rash to the sensation of "wild fire.

The Upupa ceylonensis is familiar to the natives as the "bird of the Li matrons," and the Palaeornis javanica as the "sugar-cane bird.

When asked about the inn's latest guest paranormal activity, Staub said, "Our re-creation of a Victorian seance was one way civilians dealt with the great loss of loved ones.

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pelvis, os, iliac artery, pelvic arch, bone, arteria iliaca, pelvic girdle, hip,


black, boneless, uninformed,

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