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hinder Meaning in Tamil ( hinder வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


தடங்கல் செய்,

hinder தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

எந்த ஒரு தொடர்பையும் அலையெண் கற்றையகலத்தைப் பகிர்ந்து கொள்ளும் மற்ற தொடர்புகள் தடங்கல் செய்யாது.

hinder's Usage Examples:

An interrupted development hinders the brain from developing a natural handedness.

It had only gained a partial success cause the despotic rule of Pombal, like the Inquisition before im, hindered freedom of fancy and discussion, and drove the Arcadians to waste themselves on flattering the powerful.

The publication of the work was hindered by the police-censorship, which was especially active in criticizing his account of the Hussite movement.

Empowering school culture: Schools must identify those aspects of education that hinder learning and then empower families and students from all backgrounds, so that the full development of students is achieved.

The coastal lowland between the sea arms is so flat that, although distinctly above sea-level, vegetation hinders drainage and extensive swamps or pocossins occur.

These cells are f - - imbedded in the peri pheral parenchyma, E"- and lead into convo luted excretory tubes _ that form an anasto- - mosis opening to the exterior by a pore at the " hinder " end of the body.

It would behoove us to leave before midday's heat hinders you.

The hinder abdominal segments and the stings of the queens and workers resemble those of other stinging Hymenoptera.

The contemporary civil wars and excitements hindered his advancement.

Worse, the need to supply waste to keep the incinerators going would severely hinder the proper development of the recycling and reuse industries.

Little evidence of phasing for this building and the whitewashed exterior only serves to hinder the assessment.

It may be that pacifier use spreads infection or that intense sucking on pacifiers hinders proper functioning of the eustachian tube that normally keeps the middle ear open and clean.


block, hobble, close up, keep, interfere, jam, obturate, set back, occlude, impede, prevent, stunt, inhibit, obstruct,


activeness, action, activity, let, free,

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