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hindered Meaning in Tamil ( hindered வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


தடங்கல் செய்,

hindered தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

எந்த ஒரு தொடர்பையும் அலையெண் கற்றையகலத்தைப் பகிர்ந்து கொள்ளும் மற்ற தொடர்புகள் தடங்கல் செய்யாது.

hindered's Usage Examples:

It had only gained a partial success cause the despotic rule of Pombal, like the Inquisition before im, hindered freedom of fancy and discussion, and drove the Arcadians to waste themselves on flattering the powerful.

The publication of the work was hindered by the police-censorship, which was especially active in criticizing his account of the Hussite movement.

The contemporary civil wars and excitements hindered his advancement.

The explanation of this strange fact given by Russian military historians (to the effect that Kutuzov hindered an attack) is unfounded, for we know that he could not restrain the troops from attacking at Vyazma and Tarutino.

The urgency of foreign affairs, and subsequently internal strife at the council table, hindered Hastings from developing farther the system of civil administration, a task finally accomplished by Lord Cornwallis.

In India, the (still unexplained) rise of the doctrine of transmigration hindered belief.

"A rash resolve led him to mutilate himself that he might escape from the lusts of the flesh, and work unhindered in the instruction of the female sex.

The dense fogs that envelop these islands, and the violence of the currents in their vicinity, have greatly hindered exploration, so that little is known of their physiography.

"The almost absolute power formerly wielded by the landlords, who within their own territories were lords of regality, hindered independent agricultural enterprise, and it was not till after the abolition of hereditable jurisdictions in 1748 that agriculture made real progress.

on which the Italian revolutionists had built their hopes; the Austrians intervened unhindered; the old governments were re-established in Parma, Modena and Romagna; and Menotti and many other patriots were hanged.

The almost absolute power formerly wielded by the landlords, who within their own territories were lords of regality, hindered independent agricultural enterprise, and it was not till after the abolition of hereditable jurisdictions in 1748 that agriculture made real progress.


block, hobble, close up, keep, interfere, jam, obturate, set back, occlude, impede, prevent, stunt, inhibit, obstruct,


activeness, action, activity, let, free,

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