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hindering Meaning in Tamil ( hindering வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


தடங்கல் செய்,

hindering தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

எந்த ஒரு தொடர்பையும் அலையெண் கற்றையகலத்தைப் பகிர்ந்து கொள்ளும் மற்ற தொடர்புகள் தடங்கல் செய்யாது.

hindering's Usage Examples:

Meanwhile Gustavus Adolphus had landed in Germany, and the elector had refused to allow him to cross the Elbe at Wittenberg, thus hindering his attempt to relieve Magdeburg.

Am I hindering anyone? she said, not surrendering at once.

Despite a nasty cold hindering her performance this week Karin Jaggi (F2) battled hard to take third.

Bellevue and Des Barres became very active in hindering the advance of the siege works, and the German battalions were so far depleted by losses and sickness that they could often muster but 300 men for duty.

the export of cotton and the import of war material, protecting the Union commerce afloat, hindering the creation of a Confederate navy and co-operating with the land forces.

) showed that in benzenoid compounds ortho-substituents exert a great hindering effect on the esterification of alcohols by acids in the presence of hydrochloric acid, this hindering being particularly marked when two substituents are present in the ortho positions to the carboxyl group.

And thirdly, he had maliciously accused Edward of hindering his plans for a crusade.

Accordingly he regards pleasure as essentially motion " helping vital action," and pain as motion " hindering " it.

On the other hand, in agent-based simulations g t easily grows enormous, hindering any attempt at algebraic manipulation.

He opposed unsuccessfully the appropriation proviso introduced into the supply bill as hindering the due administration of finance, and this opposition seems to have brought about a reconciliation with Clarendon.

Canvas diaphragms were used to prevent the acid formed by electrolysis at the anode from mixing with the cathode liquor, and so hindering deposition.

It is moreover an astringent to the tissues, hindering the further discharge of fluid.


impeding, preventative, obstructive, clogging, preventive,


permissiveness, lenient, unhealthful, unprotective, permissive,

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