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hinders Meaning in Tamil ( hinders வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


தடங்கல் செய்,

hinders தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

எந்த ஒரு தொடர்பையும் அலையெண் கற்றையகலத்தைப் பகிர்ந்து கொள்ளும் மற்ற தொடர்புகள் தடங்கல் செய்யாது.

hinders's Usage Examples:

An interrupted development hinders the brain from developing a natural handedness.

The coastal lowland between the sea arms is so flat that, although distinctly above sea-level, vegetation hinders drainage and extensive swamps or pocossins occur.

It would behoove us to leave before midday's heat hinders you.

It may be that pacifier use spreads infection or that intense sucking on pacifiers hinders proper functioning of the eustachian tube that normally keeps the middle ear open and clean.

Over time, this accumulation becomes toxic and makes you sick, or at the very least hinders your health from being at its best.

Homelessness is common among sex workers and all too often a lack of stable accommodation hinders any attempts to exit prostitution.

The man who does not understand the construction of the machine cannot conceive that the small connecting cogwheel which revolves quietly is one of the most essential parts of the machine, and not the shaving which merely harms and hinders the working.

If your existing toilet seat is stained, cracked or broken, it detracts from the overall look of the bathroom, not to mention hinders functionality.

These skirt bottoms are often ruffled, just like a short peasant skirt, although some people claim that the extra fabric hinders swimming.

He addressed her in an ode of which a fragment is preserved: "Violetweaving (or dark-haired), pure, sweet-smiling Sappho, I wish to say somewhat, but shame hinders me"; and she answered in another ode: "Hadst thou had desire of aught good or fair, shame would not have touched thine eyes, but thou wouldst have spoken thereof openly.

It also seriously hinders or prevents many collaborations from taking place.

They are precipitated from their alkaline solutions as cobalt sulphide by sulphuretted hydrogen, but this precipitation is prevented by the presence of citric and tartaric acids; similarly the presence of ammonium salts hinders their precipitation by caustic alkalis.


block, hobble, close up, keep, interfere, jam, obturate, set back, occlude, impede, prevent, stunt, inhibit, obstruct,


activeness, action, activity, let, free,

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