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cottontail Meaning in Tamil ( cottontail வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


cottontail's Usage Examples:

The cottontails, or wood-rabbits, of North and South America are regarded as forming a genus, Sylvilagus, by themselves, which includes the Brazilian and Paraguay hares, and appears to be chiefly distinguished by a certain feature in the parietal region of the skull.

The chief variety is the common grey or cottontail (Lepus floridanus).

A red fox was stocking a cottontail.

The cottontail is optional because you might not have enough fabric to pin one on.

Here are simple directions to make an exquisite music box called?peter cottontail?Here are simple directions to make an exquisite music box called?Peter cottontail?Lewis's prairie dog, the cottontail rabbit, the coyote, the grey wolf and the kit fox are all animals of the plains.

Other smaller mammals include muskrat Ondatra zibethicus, cottontail rabbit Sylvilagus floridanus, and a number of mice, mole and shrew species.

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