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cottonwood Meaning in Tamil ( cottonwood வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



cottonwood தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

பர் ஓக், ப்ளாக் ஹில்ஸ் ஸ்ப்ரூஸ் மற்றும் காட்டன்வுட் போன்ற மற்ற மரங்களையும் உள்ளடக்கியது.

cottonwood's Usage Examples:

White fir is found above the foot hill zone, and heavy growths of cottonwood along the streams in the Bighorn region.

The former forests of the state were of two general classes: on the bottom lands along the rivers grew cottonwood, willow, honey-locust, coffee trees, black ash, and elm; on the less heavily wooded uplands were oaks (white, red, yellow and bur), hickory (bitternut and pignut), white and green ash, butternut, ironwood and hackberry.

Most of the forest consists of yellow pine, but the spruce, aspen, white birch, bur oak, box elder, red cedar, white elm and cottonwood are among the other varieties found.

Catalpa >>Valuable trees are of great variety: cottonwood, poplar, catalpa, red cedar, sweet-gum, birch-eye, sassafras, persimmon, ash, elm, sycamore, maple, a variety of pines, pecan, locust, dogwood, hickory, various oaks, beech, walnut and cypress are all abundant.

Oaks, elms, hickory, honey-locusts, white ash, sycamore and willows, the rapid growing but miserable box-elder and cottonwood, are the most common trees.

By the time she brought lunch and a blanket down, he had a large area cleared under the cottonwood tree.

East of the Cascades the valleys are usually treeless, save for a few willows and cottonwoods in the vicinity of streams.

In the broad river valleys of the eastern part of the Prairie Plains region are forests and isolated groves consisting principally of pecan, cypress, cottonwood and several species of oak.

He might have pictured cattle or horses — even goats, but elk and buffalo?He hit a comfortable pace and stayed there as he peddled past the cemetery and the open meadows where a herd of elk grazed near the river to his left, standing at attention near the edge of the tall cottonwoods that lined the bank.

In the valleys the only trees native to the soil are the willow and cottonwood, found along the water courses, and beyond the range of irrigation vegetation is limited to scanty grass, with sage-brush and greasewood in the N.

The principal trees, after the yellow and lodgepole pines, are the red-fir, so-called hemlock and cedar, the Engelmann spruce, the cottonwood and the aspen (Populus tremuloides).

In the sand-hills the sand-bar willow of the rivers and the cottonwood growing naturally, evidence the good conditions of moisture; and the forestation of much of the region is undoubtedly possible.

It was on these byways that Dean opted to travel, rolling along the river with the down of cottonwoods filling the air like a winter snowstorm, past the occasional farm house, fields, and ever-present vista of mountains wrapping around him.


poplar tree, Western balsam poplar, Populus trichocarpa, necklace poplar, downy poplar, swamp cottonwood, poplar, Populus deltoides, swamp poplar, black cottonwood, Populus heterophylla, Eastern cottonwood,



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