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chronicle Meaning in Tamil ( chronicle வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



chronicle's Usage Examples:

His history thenceforth becomes a chronicle of unwearied exploration and brilliant success.

A tour-de-force of montage illustrating a vast, cunning chronicle worthy of Nabokov.

1259), English monk and chronicler known to us only through his voluminous writings.

None the less, he gives a more vivid impression of his, age than any other English chronicler; and it is a matter for regret that his great history breaks off in 1259, on the eve of the crowning struggle between Henry III and the baronage.

This story is open to grave suspicion, as, apart from the miracles recorded, there are wide discrepancies between the secular Portuguese histories and the narratives written or inspired by Jesuit chroniclers of the 17th century.

Feats of arms, great battles, heroic virtues, devoted friendships and atrocious crimes make the chronicles of China in the 5th, 6th and 7th centuries before the birth of Christ as attractive as those of France and England in the 14th and some other centuries after it.

I plunged into the oncoming billows, as a strong swimmer dives into breakers, and struck, alas, 'tis true, the bedpost!without the occurrence of any event worthy of being chronicled, till suddenly one night at ten o'clock the water was found to shoal, without any sign of breakers or land.

), the father of Portuguese history and author of chronicles of King Pedro, King Ferdinand and King John I.

The facts of Owen's life must be pieced together from scattered references in contemporary chronicles and documents; perhaps the most important are Adam of Usk's Chronicle and Ellis's Original Letters.

Giovanni Villani, the first chronicler who used Italian for the compilation of a methodical history, tells us how he was impelled to write by musing on the ruins of Rome and thinking of the vanished greatness of the Latin race.

g Sorb iu / s?s e s, ?The Servian chroniclers connect its origin with their own nationality, basing this view upon the identification of Sarab with Sorb or Serbia.


enter, record, put down,


direct discourse, indirect discourse, nonexistence, nonbeing,

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